Transform PD: Clear Goals & Open Strategies for Educators

classroom innovation educational leadership educator growth effective pd strategies professional learning teacher professional development teaching excellence Dec 11, 2023
Pixel art of a PD session with a teacher pointing at 'PD Goals' on a blackboard and educators at computers

In the sphere of teacher professional development, transparency isn't just beneficial—it's essential. For educational leaders and PD facilitators, grasping and integrating transparency, particularly when establishing clear objectives, is crucial. This article explores the importance of starting every professional development session with precise goals, and how openly communicating these goals can cultivate a unified and purpose-driven teaching community.


Why Start with Clear Goals?

Kicking off any professional development workshop or session with defined goals sets a foundation of focus and intent. It addresses the fundamental uncertainties that educators might have: "What are we trying to accomplish?" or "What will be the outcome of this session?" Articulating these aims from the outset dispels confusion, synchronizes educator efforts, and heightens the impact of the professional development experience.


The Pyramid Approach to Goal Setting

Employing a hierarchical, or pyramid, strategy in goal setting guarantees alignment with overarching educational objectives. This technique begins with the broader institutional goals and narrows down to specific learning objectives for the PD session. This method not only aligns with the educational institution's mission but also delineates a clear pathway for the development experience.


Developing Clear Goals: A Step-by-Step Guide

Crafting impactful goals is an art that relies on precise, action-oriented verbs that match the desired cognitive outcome. Here’s a guide to crafting such objectives:

  1. Choose an Appropriate Verb: Select a verb that mirrors the cognitive aim—whether it's recall, comprehension, or application. For example, 'list' for recall, 'describe' for comprehension, and 'demonstrate' for application.

  2. Specify the Action: After the verb, pinpoint the exact action or knowledge the PD session is intended to achieve. This clarifies what educators are expected to learn or do.

  3. The 'Through' Component: Finish the objective with a segment that begins with 'through', explaining the means of achieving the goal. For instance, "Enhance instructional strategies through collaborative learning techniques."


The Importance of Transparent Communication

Openly sharing the what, how, and why of the PD objectives is vital. This transparency not only ensures better engagement and participation but also allows educators to verbalize and internalize the goals.


Building Progressive Learning Objectives

In a structured professional development program, each goal should build upon the last, forming a progression of learning. This strategy not only illustrates the development pathway but also helps in gauging the concrete advancement of educators.


Transparent Dialogue as a Facilitation Technique

Just as successful educators employ clear communication to guide classroom learning, PD leaders use this tactic to direct all aspects of the professional development process. Transparent dialogue ensures that all educators move in harmony, working collaboratively towards shared educational goals.


Conclusion: The Value of Transparency in Teacher Development

To sum up, the key to a productive professional development session is the transparency of its goals. By clearly articulating and methodically advancing these objectives, PD facilitators can foster an atmosphere of concentrated learning and collective improvement. Transparency is more than information sharing—it's about establishing trust and creating a milieu of common understanding and commitment to educational excellence.


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