Elevating Education: Mastering Positive Feedback in Instructional Coaching

Feb 25, 2024
An AI art generated image of a cartoon teacher figure sitting in front of a mirror seeing a positive version of themselves. The mirror is surrounded by colorful leaves all in an abstract AI generated theme. The image is promotional material for the company LRNLI.

Why it matters: Instructional coaches play a pivotal role in shaping the practices of teachers and, by extension, the experiences of students. The power of positive framing in coaching is an underutilized tool that can significantly enhance teaching effectiveness and classroom environments.


The Strategy: Positive Feedback

Step 1: Observation with Intent

  • Action: Spend time in classrooms with the goal of identifying successful teaching strategies and student engagement.
  • Technique: Use a non-evaluative observation form to note specific positive behaviors and teaching methods.

Step 2: Precise Praise

  • Action: Provide feedback that is specific, focusing on particular strategies or actions the teacher employed successfully.
  • Example: Instead of saying, "Great class!", say, "Your use of group discussions to explore complex topics really engaged the students and deepened their understanding."

Step 3: Timely and Genuine Feedback

  • Action: Offer feedback soon after the observation to ensure relevance and impact.
    Technique: Frame your feedback in a genuine, supportive manner to foster a trusting relationship.

Step 4: Encourage Reflection

  • Action: Ask open-ended questions to encourage teachers to reflect on their practices and the effects of the strategies highlighted.
  • Example: "How do you think the group discussions contributed to the students' understanding of the topic?"

Step 5: Set Specific Goals

  • Action: Work with teachers to set achievable, specific goals based on the strengths identified.
    Technique: Use SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) to guide this process.

Step 6: Follow-Up and Continuous Support

  • Action: Schedule follow-up observations and discussions to monitor progress and provide ongoing support.
  • Technique: Offer resources or professional development opportunities that align with the teacher's goals.


Why it works:
Empowerment: Recognizing and reinforcing effective teaching practices boosts teachers' confidence and encourages them to innovate further.

Growth Mindset: Focusing on strengths and potential fosters a culture of continuous improvement and resilience.

Trust and Openness: Positive, specific feedback builds a foundation of trust, making teachers more receptive to suggestions for growth.

Actionable Goals: Setting clear, achievable goals based on positive observations helps teachers focus their development efforts.


The Bottom Line
Instructional coaches have a unique opportunity to catalyze positive change within schools. By employing the strategy of positive framing and precise feedback, coaches can unlock the potential of teachers, creating ripple effects that enhance the educational experiences of students. This approach not only elevates teaching practices but also contributes to a positive, collaborative, and growth-oriented school culture.

Remember, the goal is not to overlook areas for improvement but to balance constructive feedback with recognition of success. In doing so, instructional coaches can truly transform teaching and learning environments, one positive observation at a time.


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